What is Yumeiho®?
Yumeiho® is the best therapeutic method based on manual actions performed on the entire human body for improving or maintaining health and to restore the functional balance of the human organism.
It includes about 100 maneuvers performed on the entire patient’s body.
Yumeiho® it is called „therapy” due to the fact its main purpose is treating or reducing the causes of functional disorders which, in time, may result in chronic sufferings.
Also, the Yumeiho® therapy can be applied in order to prevent or to slow down the progress of already existing sufferings.
Yumeiho® point of view about back pain
The causes of back pain most often involve a wrong posture. The muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons will function incorrectly in the event of a defective posture. Yumeiho® is about posture recovery, body symmetry, balance and freedom of movement. Your therapist will explain this from the first session, so you can understand what is happening to your body.
Yumeiho® is a non-invasive, manual only approach and does not involve needles, medication, oils, creams or anything else…
Physical examination is a must for every session of Yumeiho®. Each Yumeiho® session will start with a postural analysis and a set of questions about the general state of health. Because we care and because every treatment is adapted to your needs.
The manual therapeutic procedures applied within the Yumeiho® therapy consist of special massage techniques and procedures; stretching elements and passive gymnastic; methods of posture correction; exercises to optimize, balance and harmonize the biomechanics of the whole musculoskeletal system.
Patients will be encouraged to remain active and return to normal activities, within the physiological limits of each.
The management goals when treating back pain are to achieve maximal reduction in pain intensity as rapidly as possible and to restore the individual’s ability to function in everyday activities.
By treating the cause and not the effect, and treating each patient in a unique way, Yumeiho® has proven to be an extremely useful therapy in treating back pain.
After a Yumeiho® session, together with you, your therapist will establish a treatment schedule for you to be in the best shape that will allow you to continue enjoying life, without pain.